Dan M. Kemble
An active Mason since 1978, Dan Kemble is a fifth-generation Freemason and a fourth-generation member of Hays Lodge No. 517 at Hays, Kentucky.
Bro. Kemble is a member, Past Master, and Fellow of Kentucky’s William O. Ware Lodge of Research.
He is a member of Alba Lodge No. 222 in Washington, D. C., and Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge No. 2 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
He has served the Grand Lodge of Kentucky as Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Education, as Parliamentarian, a member of the Committee on By-Laws, District Deputy Grand Master for District 18, and as Grand Pursuivant. He is a Past President of the Society of Past Masters of Northern Kentucky.
Bro. Kemble is an active member and Recorder of The Rubicon Masonic Society. He is a co-producer of the documentary, “The Masonic Table,” and co-editor of The Transactions of The Rubicon Masonic Society.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Scottish Rite Valley of Covington’s Masonic Library and Museum Association.
A native of Smiths Grove, Kentucky, Bro. Kemble is a graduate of Western Kentucky University (1978) and Salmon P. Chase College of Law (1984). Bro. Kemble resides in Covington, Kentucky, along with his wife, Holly.